The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness

The Baptist a pattern preacher

I. DEPRECIATION OF SELF. Isaiah had predicted simply a “voice”; and John Baptist, accordingly, with a humility which ministers of the New Testament should follow, laid no stress on anything personal to himself--the announcement of his birth by an angel, his priestly descent, his years of preparation--though all these supplied advantages to his ministry. He concentrated attention on what he had to tell In me there is nothing to attract or benefit. I am only what centuries ago was predicted--a voice.


III. A PROCLAIMING AS THE CENTRAL TOPIC IN THE EVERLASTING MESSAGE A DIVINE, AND THEREFORE EFFECTUAL, HELPER FOR THE RUINED. “He shall gather”; “He shall carry”; “He shall gently lead”; “All flesh shall see the salvation of the Lord” (verses 10, 11, with 5). And John Baptist accordingly announced, as ministers of the New Testament should now announce, the presence in Christ Jesus of a perfect Saviour (John 1:26; John 1:29; Matthew 3:11; John 3:29). Who among the audience of the “faithful ambassador” have rightly caught the message? (1 Peter 2:3.)

1. Those who surrender all habits inconsistent with his call

2. Those who rejoice greatly in the guardianship and guidance of the great Deliverer proclaimed (1 Peter 1:5).

3. Those who steadily tread in the blessed steps of His life (Luke 1:74, 1 Peter 1:21). His sheep hear His voice; He knows them; they follow Him. (D. D. Stewart, M. A.)

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