I, even I, am the Lord

Royal proclamation

I. THE OBJECT OF OUR WORSHIP. The heavenly majesty asserted by Himself. “I am the Lord.” A self-existent Being, contrasted with idols--dwelling in His own eternity, independent, everlastingly immutable, the eternal Jehovah. Mark how this glorious self-existent Being is subject to none, exists in Himself, the source of all being, and subject to no other beings. Shall we, for a moment, trifle in the presence of such a being? If I look a little further at this glorious self-existing Being, as revealed in “His” Word, I find “Him” manifesting “Himself” as sanctity itself inherent. Therefore, again and again, He says to Israel of old, I will be sanctified before all people; and again, “Sanctify the Lord God in your hearts.” Moreover, this glorious self-existent Being, this source of all being, and subject to none either in heaven or in earth, has made Himself known in the attribute of holiness by solemn oath. “I have sworn by My holiness that I will not lie unto David.” Moreover, if we pause to think of His glorious attributes, all of them are expressly supernatural, transcendently glorious, and Divine. Advance a step farther, to notice the veneration and adoration to be given to this glorious Being in His Trinity of Persons. The glorious self-existent Being is sovereign over all worlds.

II. THE EXCLUSIVE CLAIM TO THE PREROGATIVE OF BEING A SAVIOUR. “Besides Me there is no Saviour.” Some men make a Saviour of their priest. Some of their alms and their doings. Some will make a part Saviour of Christ, and a part saviour of their own doings and repentings and believings, and they lose both, and must be despised as neutralists. But “Beside Me,” the Eternal God the Lord, “there is no Saviour” It was the Father’s purpose of love that ordained salvation. Then, Christ, as a Saviour, received salvation to centre entirely in Himself. This salvation is by the Holy Ghost. Mark the unity of all the Divine Persons in this salvation, which is exclusive. There is no other Saviour, consequently no salvation but in our covenant God. (J. Irons.)

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