But ye shall be named the Priests of the Lord

Israel’s priesthood among the nations

The meaning is simply that in relation to the Gentiles, Israel shall enjoy a position of priesthood analogous to the relation between priests and laymen.

It was Israel’s calling to be a “kingdom of priests” (Exodus 19:6), and in the latter days this destiny will be fulfilled in their mediatorial relation to the outer world. Although prophecy in general accords a position of supremacy to Israelites in the future kingdom of God, the distinction is, perhaps, nowhere so definitely formulated as here. (Prof. J. Skinner, D. D.)

New Testament privileges expressed in Old Testament phraseology

Regarding the position assigned to the Hebrew nation after it has become the teacher of other peoples and the leader of their worship, as here declared, we can form no conception that will harmonize with the spirit of New Testament liberty and the abolition of all dividing-walls between the nations,--the prophet predicts New Testament matters in Old Testament fashion. (F. Delitzsch, D. D.)

God’s priesthood v man’s priestcraft

When Christ came, all earthly priesthoods were abolished, and of all members of His kingdom it was to be said, “Ye shall be named the priests of the Lord.”

I. HOW IS THE OFFICE OF THE PRIESTHOOD ENTERED? Aaron and his sons are the types of Christ’s high priesthood and the priesthood of all believers. The Holy Ghost has most clearly taught by this type the order of entrance into spiritual priesthood.

1. The priests become so by virtue of their union with the high priest (Exodus 28:1). And the call of Christ unto His high priesthood also includes the call of all His sons into their spiritual priesthood.

2. In the consecration of Aaron’s sons to the priesthood there was also blood sprinkling. Christ’s high priesthood rests on an accomplished sacrifice. What does my priesthood rest on? On blood, too.

3. The anointing gives the qualification for priesthood (1 John 2:20; 1 John 2:27).

4. The qualification of garments (Exodus 28:4; Exodus 28:40).


1. To offer up spiritual sacrifices (1 Peter 2:5). Our bodies (Romans 12:1); our prayers; our praise; our intercessions.

2. It was the priest’s duty and privilege to maintain the service of the sanctuary. Every believer, being a priest, has equal right with every other believer to engage in maintaining the service of the sanctuary. (A. G. Brown.)

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