Is it a small thing for you to weary men, but will ye weary thy God also?

Wearying God

The work and experience of the prophet and the Gospel minister in dealing with men are similar.


II. IT IS INFINITELY WORSE TO WEARY GOD, whose hand holds their life and destiny. God is patient. This is evident from Scripture and observation. Exodus 34:6; 2 Peter 3:9.) Consider also the history of nations and individuals and of our own life.

III. GOD’S PATIENCE MAY BE WEARIED OUT by indifference, obstinacy, procrastination, backsliding. The sinner is in present danger of doing this. Others have done it in Scripture and history. Application--The axe is laid at the root of the tree; make haste to repent. (Homiletic Review.)

Wearying God

Ahaz refused to ask a sign, probably wishing to avoid as much as possible further intercourse with Isaiah, who, he feared, would reprove him for his vices and idolatry.

1. That which seems specially to have wearied God in the instance of Ahaz was, the sinning yet more in a season of distress.

2. There is a likelihood that his offence may be copied, and that, too, not merely in the general, but even in minute particulars. God became wearied by a repetition of the sin when He had tried by calamities to produce its abandonment. It does not seem that there was ever the least pause in his wickedness. God smote him, but he went on frowardly. (H. Melvill, B. D.)

Wearying God

The house of David weary the long suffering of God by letting Him exhaust all the means of their correction without effect. (F. Delitzsch.)

Wearying God

1. The great God is pleased to consider the indignities and injuries done to His servants as done to Himself.

2. Beware then of wearying God by refusing to comply with the administrations and offers He gives you by His servants; but now, while it is called today, hearken to His voice and obey His call. (R. Macculloch.)

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