Thou sayest, I have not sinned.

Obstinate impenitence

1. Blind to its own guilt.

2. Blasphemes God by accusing Him of unjust anger.

3. Will not escape just punishment. (Naegelsbach.)

Denial of guilt

At one of our seaside resorts, a cab proprietor was fined £10 and costs for not having licences for twenty-seven carriages. His excuse was that they were relics of antiquity, kept to lend out while others underwent repair. Some make a like plea when their sins are discovered: they do not sin as a regular business, though it is true they keep some of the old relics of antiquity. If we keep the devil’s carriages, even under such a pretence, we will find them turn into funeral cars ere long. Do not keep wine in the cellar, and you will not drink it. He who has a pistol may shoot. “Make not provision for the flesh” (Romans 13:14). “Neither give place to the devil” (Ephesians 4:27). Do not keep even an old stool for him. Away with all his furniture. “Old things are passed away.”

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