Not for any injustice in mine hands.

A good man’s confidence

In these words Job delivers us--

1. The confidence of a godly man.

2. That kind of infirm anguish and indignation, that half-distemper, that expostulation with God, which sometimes comes to an excess even in good and godly men.

3. The foundation of his confidence, and his deliverance from this his infirmity. (John Donne.)

My witness is in heaven and my record is on high.

The trite witness of life

I. In reference to Job.

1. A declaration of his belief.

2. An avowal of his sincerity.

3. A proof of his devotion.

II. In reference to ourselves.

1. In seasons of self-suspicion.

2. Under the assaults of calumny.

3. In the prospect of death. (G. Brooks.)

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