Mercy unto you, and peace, and love, be multiplied.

Mercy, peace, and love multiplied

I. Mercy.

1. Pardoning mercy.

2. Sustaining mercy.

3. Preserving mercy.

4. Restraining mercy.

5. Supplying mercy.

6. Restoring and sanctifying mercy.

7. Glorifying mercy.

II. Peace.

1. Internal peace--a holy, tranquil calm.

2. External peace. Christ is the King of peace. Our lives must be peace, our lips will breathe peace.

III. Love.

1. The love of God towards us.

2. The love of ourselves to God. Surely this needs to abound! How cold it is, how poor and deficient!

3. Love to one another. This is the evidence of our love to Him. (Homilist.)

Spiritual blessings best

1. Spiritual blessings are the best blessings we can wish to ourselves and others. It is true, nature is allowed to speak in prayer, but grace must be heard first.

2. Observe the aptness of the requests to the persons for whom he prayeth. “Those that are sanctified and called” have still need of “mercy, peace, and love.” They need mercy, because we merit nothing of God, neither before grace received nor afterward. Our obligation to free grace never ceaseth. We need also more peace. There are degrees in assurance as well as faith. There is a temperate confidence, and there are ravishing delights, so that peace needs to be multiplied also. And then love, that being a grace in us, it is always in progress. In heaven only it is complete. Take it for love to God; there we cleave to Him without distraction and weariness or satiety. God in communion is always fresh and new to the blessed spirits. And take it for love to the saints; it is only perfect in heaven, where there is no ignorance, pride, partialities, and factions.

3. Observe the aptness of these requests to the times wherein He prayed, when religion was scandalised by loose Christians, and carnal doctrines were obtruded upon the Church. In times of defection from God, and wrong to the truth, there is great need of mercy, peace, and love. Of mercy, that we may be kept from the snares of Satan. And we need peace and inward consolations, that we may the better digest the misery of the times; and love, that we may be of one mind, and stand together in the defence of the truth.

4. Note the aptness of the blessings to the persons to whom He prayeth. Here are three blessings that do more eminently suit with every person of the Trinity; and I do the rather note it, because I find the apostle elsewhere distinguishing these blessings by their proper fountains, as Romans 1:7. So here is mercy from God the Father, who is called “the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort” (2 Corinthians 1:3), and peace from the Son, for “He is our peace” (Ephesians 2:14), and love from the Spirit (Romans 5:5), “The love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost, which is given to us.” Thus you see every person concurreth to our happiness with His distinct blessing.

5. How aptly these blessings are suited among themselves: first mercy, then peace, and then love. (T. Manton.)

Holy arithmetic

A trinity of blessings is often to be met with in God’s Word. It is God’s happiness to crown all His people with goodness. May this trio of blessings be given to each one of us, and be multiplied. God’s gifts always come in company. He is God, and gives as a God. Man, indeed, has limited means, and so must be limited in his gifts.

I. We have a sum in addition. As Christians we must never be content with the measure of our grace. Do not be satisfied to remain dwarf trees, but seek to be growing higher and higher, and at the same time sending your roots deeper and deeper.

1. The first figure in this sum is “mercy,” and it is a very high number indeed. It stands foremost, for it is the chief of God’s dealings with us, whereby He pities us in our helplessness. We have already received much, but we are to add to it: for “He hath not dealt with us after our sins,” but favour has been shown to the undeserving, mercy to those who are full of sin. He has shown not only clemency in bestowing pardon, but His bountiful mercy whereby He supplies sufficiently our wants. So that whatever we need let us seek the stream bearing on its tide blessings for our souls to-day.

2. Then add to mercy “peace.” What a glorious numeral is this! Now are we reconciled to God through the death of His dear Son. The enmity of our hearts has been slain, and it is our delight to be in His company. We want to have more of this peace; how shall we gain it? Only by seeking to hold more communion with our God. If this fair flower is to grow within our hearts the dew of heaven must fall upon it during the hours of calm fellowship with God. We must dwell in Him and He in us.

3. Yet again, there is another figure to add, and it is “love.” Many have got a little of this treasure; would to God all had more. Love lies smouldering in our hearts. O breath Divine, blow these sparks into burning fires! Grace changes all within us, for while we receive such mercy and enjoy such peace from the hands of our loving Lord we feel we must love in return.

II. Now we come to our surf in multiplication. If I want to increase rapidly let me have the multiplication table, and let it be by compound multiplication too. Mercy, and peace, and love, multiplied by mercy, and peace, and love, which have been multiplied. Is this a hard sum? God can help us to do it if we also help ourselves.

1. The first thing that affords aid is memory. Think of the mercies of yesterday, put them down, then multiply them by the mercies of to-day, and so on and on, meditating upon the favours of years past, and you will find by this mental exercise that the mercy you now enjoy will be multiplied. And memory will refresh you concerning peace too. Recollect the morning of bright joy which followed the nights of sadness. Love, too, must be remembered if it is to be multiplied. Review all the tokens received in the past, all the choice souvenirs.

2. Another help we may have is mutual intercourse. As a boy at school runs to another older and wiser than himself when a sum is hard, and he needs help in doing it, so should Christians endeavour to find counsel and support from intercourse with their fellow-saints.

3. But the very best way is to go to the Master. If the sum is difficult, it may be well to take down the exercise-book and see the examples already worked out. He is plenteous in mercy. Here, then, shall you find a way out of your difficulty. If you cannot multiply, He will do it for you; He is the Prince of Peace, submit yourself to His gentle reign, and peace shall be yours. Dwell in the atmosphere of His love and this grace shall be more and more in you.

III. Now, a sum in practice, and a very short one too. Unto you who have been called, sanctified, and preserved, are these words of exhortation sent. Be merciful, for “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.” Be peaceful, for “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God.” Be loving, for “love is of God, and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.” (C. H. Spurgeon.)


1. Mercy can be attributed to God.

(1) As it signifies a promptitude of the will to succour the miserable.

(2) As it signifies God’s actual helping and relieving us in our distresses.

2. God is merciful--

(1) With a preventing mercy.

(2) With a forgiving mercy.

(3) With accepting mercy, taking in good part the desires of the soul when it finds not to perform.

(4) With re-accepting mercy; looking upon a returning prodigal as a son; pitying as a father, not punishing as a judge.

(5) With providing mercy (Psalms 23:1.).

(6) With directing mercy in our doubts (Psalms 73:24).

(7) With sustaining mercy (Psalms 94:18).

(8) With quickening; enlivening mercy to any holy duty (Philippians 4:13).

(9) With restoring mercy; and that not only from sin and miseries, but even by them.

(10) With crowning mercy when He brings us to heaven.

3. The properties of God’s mercy.

(1) Full.

(2) Free.


1. How unbeseeming a sin is pride in any that live upon mercy!

2. The duty of contentment in our greatest wants or smallest receipts.

3. The impiety and folly of those that abuse mercy.

4. Great is the heinousness of sin, that can provoke a God of much mercy, to express much severity.

5. It should be our care to obtain the best and choicest of mercies.

6. How little should any that have this God of mercy for theirs, be dismayed with any misery!

7. It is our duty and dignity to imitate God in showing mercy. (W. Jenkyn, M. A.)

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