He went throughout every city and village, preaching

Village preaching

I. WE HAVE HERE THE SUBJECT OF OUR LORD’S MINISTRY--“the glad tidings of the kingdom of God.” In these words there is a manifest allusion to the predictions in which the prophets foretold the dispensation of grace and truth by Jesus Christ. The Greek word translated “kingdom” is of a more extensive meaning than the English one by which it is rendered, being equally adapted to express both the terms “reign” and “kingdom.” The first relates to the time or duration of the sovereignty, the second to the place or country over which it extends. Yet although it is much oftener the time than the place that is alluded to in the Gospels, it is never in our common version translated “reign,” but always “kingdom.” The expression is thereby often rendered obscure and awkward, as for instance, when motion is applied to a kingdom; when it is spoken of as coming, approaching, being near at hand, and the like. The word is rightly translated “kingdom” when it refers to the state of perfect felicity to be enjoyed in the world to come; but it is not always thus rendered with the same propriety when it relates to the reign of Christ, by His truth and Spirit upon earth. If, therefore, it be asked, when did the reign of heaven properly begin? we answer, When that prediction in the Psalms was fulfilled--“Thou hast ascended up on high, Thou hast led captivity captive; Thou hast received gifts for men; yea, for the rebellious also, that the Lord God (the Holy Spirit) might dwell amongst them.” To a limited extent Jesus reigned before His ascension. He pardoned sins, promulgated laws, and brought very many under the dominion of His truth and grace. But the plenitude of the Holy Spirit’s miraculous gifts and sanctifying influences was reserved till Christ was glorified, to grace His inauguration as King of Zion; as monarchs when they are crowned, although they may have reigned some time before, on that great occasion bestow favours on their subjects, and elevate sonic to distinctions and honours.

II. WE NOW PROCEED TO CONSIDER THE SCENE OF OUR LORD’S MINISTRY. He preached in Judaea, and Samaria; in Jerusalem, in Sychar; but His time was chiefly spent in the towns and villages of Galilee--a distant and despised province, which the inhabitants of Jerusalem and Judaea regarded with such contempt that it was asked, “ Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?” One would think that had our Saviour intended that secular princes should rule in His Church, that the head of the State should by virtue of His office be also the head of the Church within His dominions, instead of spending so much of His time in Galilee, He would have converted Herod, and given him authority to settle all matters of doctrine and discipline for His subjects.

1. We have fully revealed to us and in our possession that truth by which Christ reigns, and accomplishes His gracious purposes. No new, additional revelation will be granted to the end of time.

2. We have Christ, enthroned in universal dominion, full of grace and power, present by His Spirit, with all His faithful servants, to make His truth effectual in the accomplishment of the purposes of eternal mercy. (Essex Congregational Remembrancer.)

Preaching everywhere

Three “commercials” entered the railway carriage at C, and it was not long before all in the compartment were in conversation, Being one of the number, I took my part in the discussions which were held upon various topics. As per usual, the weather was commented upon, the state of Ireland, and the dulness of trade. This last subject seemed to be the most fruitful, for each traveller had his own tale to tell. As the different towns were mentioned which were the markets for the goods “travelled in” by the three gentlemen, I mentioned various incidents in connection with most of them, and through constantly visiting these places displayed some acquaintance with nearly every one spoken of by the “commercials”; until one of them said, “Are you on the road?” “Yes,” said I, “I have been on the road ever since I was nine years old.” All looked surprised, and then another made the remark, “That was rather early to begin such a rough life!” This produced the following reply upon my part: “Oh, there is nothing like starting young--a good beginning is half the race.” “May I ask what you travel for?” inquired a third. “I am on the road to heaven, and I travel for my Master; preaching everywhere for the salvation of souls.” (T. Spurgeon.)

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