The Biblical Illustrator
Mark 10:38
Ye know not what ye ask.
Prayers offered in ignorance answered in love
1. They did ask. Whatever be thy desire, go to Him.
2. These brothers had a definite purpose in coming to Him. Our prayers are often vague and indefinite.
3. These brothers were honest and sincere in their request. What, then, was there to be blamed in the matter? They had a false conception of Christ’s glory; also as to the things which were involved in the granting their request. Holiness is a character which is formed within a man; it is not a gift conferred from without. He is the highest in the peerage who has served his Master best. By the cross Christ was elevated to the throne. The text means, “Ye do not know what is implied in the terms you employ in making your request, or what is involved in granting it to you.” We may have a definite object in view, we may think it good and desirable; but we cannot trace it through all its bearings; we cannot see how it would affect us if bestowed; nor can we tell what may be required from us before it can be granted. The omniscient One alone can discern what is involved in our petitions. He will answer our prayers, if not in the letter, yet in the spirit. You ask for success in life, having in mind external prosperity. But God’s view of success is a very different affair; in His estimation, success consists in what a man is, not in what he has; and He gives you that success by denying you the other. You ask for forgiveness, and expect it in joy. God answers by showing you more thoroughly your sins. We pray for holiness; it comes through sore trial. Thus God answers the prayer for purity. (W. M. Taylor, D. D.)
Ignorance in prayers
A beautiful instance of this in the life of the great Church father, Augustine, has often given both consolation and light. He wished to leave Carthage, where he had become deeply entangled in the snares of sin, and to visit Rome, then the metropolis of the world; but his pious mother, Monica, restrained him with her tears, and would not let him go, being afraid that he would encounter still more dangerous snares in the great city. He promised to her to remain; but, forgetful of his duty, he embarked in a vessel under the cloud of night, and in that very Italy to which her affection was afraid to let him go, he found salvation and was converted. Pondering in his mind how the Eternal Love had conducted him to where he himself had thought of going only in the forwardness of his heart, he says, in his “Confessions,” “But thou, my God, listening in Thy high and heavenly counsels to what was the scope of my mother’s wishes, refused her what she prayed for, at that time, that Thou mightest grant her what was at all times the subject of her prayers.” (W. M. Taylor, D. D.)
Mistaken prayer
A tradition current in Wales is a striking illustration of these words. It is said that an old woman, who was very ungodly, was once travelling from Cardiff to a neighbouring town, some twelve miles distant, for the purpose of selling her vegetables. It was a winter’s day, the east wind was blowing, and drove the hail and sleet right in her face, causing her to give vent to sundry curses and evil exclamations. When she was nearing the end of her journey, she began in a most irreverent manner to pray that the wind might turn to her back. Extraordinary to relate, the wind did turn, and for about five minutes she had the comfort of a tolerably easy journey. But, alas, poor short-sighted creature! she finished the sale of her goods, and at almost dark started to return home; but the wind, which she had been so anxious should change, had done so, and was therefore again in her face. She had forgotten, when she prayed in the morning that it might turn, that to go home she would have to turn too, and then be exposed to its violence during the cold and dark night. The storm, too, had increased in fury, and it was not till the next morning that the old woman reached her native town.
Christ’s cup of suffering
We cannot drink Christ’s cup of suffering so-
I. Willingly.
II. Intelligently.
III. With such bitter ingredients.
IV. So capacious.
V. Deadly. (Plans of Sermons.)
Can ye drink of the cup that I drink of
I. Consider the cup presented to our Saviour and the manner in which he drank it. David speaks of a cup of joy (Psalms 23:5; Psalms 116:13); but there is a cup of affliction (Isaiah 51:17; Jeremiah 25:15).
1. It was a bitter cup, consisting of the bitter ingredients of sin and wrath.
2. It was deep and large, and contained much like that which was presented to Judah in her captivity (Ezekiel 23:32).
3. It was a cup without mixture, it had torment without ease. In what manner did our Saviour drink this bitter cup?
(1) He did it not ignorantly, but knowingly.
(2) He did it not reluctantly, but freely.
(3) He drank it not partially, but entirely.
II. The share which believers take in the sufferings of Christ. “Can ye drink,” etc.
1. As no one can do what Christ did, so no one can suffer what He suffered.
2. Though no one can suffer what Christ suffered, yet His people must have some fellowship with Him in His sufferings, and be conformable to His death.
3. The people of God must expect trials. (B. Beddome, M. A.)