But when they shall lead you, and deliver you up.

The disciples led, delivered, and taught

Our Lord is here foretelling the persecutions which the disciples would be called upon to suffer for the gospel’s sake, and is arming them against the errors, the deceits, and the cruelties of those times. He is also enjoining upon them how they are to conduct themselves under the subtlety and fury of the oppressor, and is giving them directions which, if they rightly follow, will not only determine the excellence of their discipleship, but the certainty of their triumph over the jeopardy and envy of circumstances and foes. (See Mark 13:9.) Dealing directly with the eleventh verse, we see-

I. That when suffering persecution the disciples were to be led, and not driven. “But when they shall lead you.” It is always better to be led than forced; more is to be gained from obedience than coercion. We are led, or we lose that obedience which constitutes the soul of godliness. We follow, or we are not led as Christ was and would have us to be. He was led as a lamb to the slaughter, etc. Stephen, the martyr, was led; so Paul the apostle. So also was Ridley and Latimer, each ending their earthly lives in the very track and spirit of their Lord and Master. But observe again-

II. The disciples were to be delivered in opposition to becoming resistful and violently taken sacrifices. “But when they shall lead you, and deliver you up.” Both led and delivered. Not to be led, and then to take a final stand of opposition. The deliverance must not be less loyal and true than the leading has been. The sacrifice must be complete. Begun in being led, in true following, it must not end in rebellious resistance and forsaking. No; we are to be delivered up, not thrust up-self-offered and complying rather than conflicting with our foes. (See Isaiah 50:6; 1 Peter 2:21). Then further, the text teaches-

III. That in times of persecution the disciples were not to prepare and to rely upon mechanical defences. “Take no thought beforehand what ye shall speak, neither do ye premeditate; but whatsoever,” etc. The reasons for this are evident. Self-thought, self-prepared plans of defence, would-

1. Disturb and disorder their minds. Scheming for words of reply and methods of escape would result in mental distraction. They would be confused. And, moreover, trusting to means of self-defence would-

2. Deny and neutralize the proper office and power of the Holy Spirit. “Whatsoever shall be given you in that hour, that speak ye; for it is not ye that speak, but the Holy Ghost.” Thus, then, acting as true believers should-serving Christ fearlessly, all our self-reserve given up to His guidance and power-we shall find the Holy Spirit (in all those cases morally correspondent to the circumstances of our text) to-

(a) Sufficiently enlighten our minds.

(b) To be timely and powerful in the exercise of His help. Either the help of deliverance, or that of loyal resignation; complete escape, or patient endurance.

In illustration and proof of these, see Exodus 4:10; Jeremiah 1:7; Luke 21:14; 1 Corinthians 2:13. In this aspect of heaven’s cause the answer and the help must be from heaven, and not from the earth. “A man can receive nothing except it be given him from heaven” (John 3:27). Here alone is the true light and the power that prevails. It is therefore plain-

IV. That where the Holy Spirit thus operates all human self-assertion is suppressed. “For it is not ye that speak, but the Holy Ghost.” And this takes place-

1. For our sake as Christ’s true disciples. This is the victory He gives, and without which we could not overcome the world.

2. To prevent self-glorying. In these crises the tongue of the learned and the pen of a ready writer come from God. Human sagacity can claim no credit. This wisdom is not of man, lest he should boast. And-

3. To secure the Divine victory and praise. To Him who directs and speaks belongs the glory. “Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, saith the Lord of hosts.” Thine, therefore is the victory, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen. (Thomas Colclough.)

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