The Biblical Illustrator
Mark 14:39
And prayed, and spake the same words.
Perseverance in prayer
We may learn from this what we are to do in time of distress and affliction; we are not only to go to God by prayer for help, comfort, and deliverance; but we are to go to Him again and again: yea, often to call upon Him, and seek to Him in our distress, to be instant and importunate with Him; and so to continue as long as the affliction presses us.
I. Prayer is a duty and service which we owe to God and which we ought constantly to perform in obedience to His will commanding it, though otherwise we should reap no benefit by it to ourselves, nor even obtain the things we ask. And here the very doing of our duty in uprightness of heart must comfort us (2 Corinthians 1:12).
II. Although God does not at once grant our petitions, yet He takes notice of our prayers and is well pleased with them.
III. There are just causes why God does not always hear our prayers at first or speedily; but delays, sometimes for long.
1. To exercise and try our faith, hope, patience, and obedience in waiting upon Him.
2. To make us more fervent in prayer.
3. That the things we have asked, being for a time delayed, may be the more prized by us when we get them.
IV. The reason why God does not hear us at first, or so soon as we desire, may be and often is in ourselves, viz., in the faultiness of our prayers. Either we ask such things as God does not see fit for us to obtain, and then it is a mercy in Him to deny them to us; or else we ask not in due manner, we pray not in faith, or not with such feeling and fervour as we ought; or else we are living in some sin unrepented of, which hinders the fruit of our prayer (James 4:2; James 5:16; Psalms 66:18).
V. Though God has promised to hear our prayers, and to grant our petitions, so far as is good for us, and is according to His will; yet He will not have us limit Him a time in which to do so: nor is it fit for us so to do, but we are to wait His leisure, convinced that by so doing we shall lose nothing (Isaiah 28:16; Psalms 40:1).
VI. God hears our prayers in divers ways.
1. By giving us the things we ask. Hannah, a child; Solomon, wisdom etc.
2. By giving us something as good, or better for us than that we ask; e.g. patience in time of trouble, and strength to bear it (2 Corinthians 12:7).
3. By giving us inward comfort, by and in our prayers, and after them (Psalms 35:13).
4. By accepting our prayers as a service pleasing to Him. Now although God often delays to hear us the first way, yet He always hears us one of these ways, and that as soon as we pray to Him, if we pray in due manner, and as we ought; which being so, must encourage us to persevere, and hold out in prayer, when we do not immediately obtain those petitions which we ask of God. (George Petter.)
Lawfulness of set forms of prayer
Hence we may gather, that it is lawful for us to use a set form of prayer: not only to ask the same petitions of God in effect and substance of matter at sundry times, but also in the same form of words, or well near the same: yea, that this may be done even in private prayer alone by ourselves, for such was this prayer now made by our Saviour. And if in private prayer alone by ourselves (where usually more liberty may be taken to vary the form of words in our prayers), then much more when we pray with others, especially in public, it must needs be lawful to use a set form of words, and to ask the same petitions in the same words. Our Saviour taught His disciples a set form of prayer, which is that we call the Lord’s Prayer, appointing both them and us to use it in the very same form of words in which it is framed (Luke 11:2)…And what are sundry of David’s Psalms, but set forms of prayer, used by the Church in those times?…The Church of God has always used set forms of prayer in public and solemn meetings, nor was the lawfulness of this practice ever questioned till of late times by Anabaptists, Brownists, and such like. (George Petter.)