The disciple is not above his Master.

The Master and His disciple

Jeremy Taylor, in exhorting to patience the afflicted of his day, many of whom were sufferers for conscience’ sake from loyalty to Church and king, reminded them that they had seen their sovereign (the unfortunate Charles the First) imprisoned and put to death, and that he had borne his misfortunes with exemplary fortitude. Guatemala the sovereign of Mexico, whom the Spanish conquerors in their cruel greed tortured to make him show them treasures they believed him to have concealed, bore all they inflicted upon him with stoical heroism. One of his followers, also put to the torture, complained of his treatment, and was disposed to give way, at which the chief reproachfully exclaimed, “And I too, am I upon a bed of roses? “ or, as it ought perhaps to be more literally rendered, “Am I enjoying the luxury of the bath? “ If the example of suffering patience in an earthly monarch be so powerful, how much more when it is set us by the King of kings?

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