Who, then, is that faithful and wise servant.

I. The particular relation in which we are here represented as standing to the one that is above us.

II. The representation that is here given of that attitude in which the servant is found who is obedient to his Master. There are terms used particularly descriptive of the conduct of the individual.

1. Fidelity.

2. Wisdom is associated with faithfulness-“faithful and wise.”

3. Habitual and persevering continuance in well-doing.

III. The blessedness which is included in this benediction of the Master.

1. Blessed at the appearance of Christ, also while he lives, in his present activity.

2. Positive reward.

3. Contrast the deception of the evil servant. (T. Binney, D. D.)

The faithful servant and his reward

I. The character of the faithful servant.

1. The faithful servant is one whose service is sincere.

2. The faithful servant is one whose service is unreserved, limited only by his capability.

3. His service is uniform.

4. His service is according to the prescribed rule, “If a man strive for masteries, yet is he not crowned, except he strive lawfully.”

5. His service is that of faith-the living faith of the heart in the truth of God as revealed to us in Jesus Christ.

II. His reward. The reward is here made to depend upon the servant being found occupying the position assigned him, with all fidelity, “when his Lord cometh.” We must not infer that the faithful servant is not blessed prior to his Lord’s coming, at the hour of death. Nor do his onerous duties diminish, but rather contribute to, the blessedness of the faithful servant. He has to suffer, it is true; but these minister to his blessedness. The master promotes his servant to the highest post of honour because of his fidelity in an inferior position. He is made a “ruler.” These pleasures will be internally progressive. The reward, however, will not be equal in degree. It is a matter of the first importance to determine whether we are in deed and truth the servants of Christ. (R. Scott.)

The activity of service

Christ’s departure from this earth is no reason for His Church’s inaction, but the source of her activity. Far from withdrawing His Church’s interests from earth by His withdrawal, He endows it with more effective energies, larger capacities for action. She can do more on earth, and not less, now He is gone. He shows this by picture after picture. He tells us that we are to be a society carefully and shrewdly organized, and this organization is to he formed with a view to work, production, fruit. We are to be organized with a view to our capacities, so to be arranged as to serve best for direct, present, practical usefulness here on earth; we are to be as a house which a householder has left, in which house every one is in his place, each according to his gift; and in this house there will be careful provision, that each shall have his food in due season-food brought him prepared through the hands of officers appointed for that one service, while at the door will ever sit the porter, who will have the office of watching while the others work. How careful, how orderly it all is! No loose shiftiness to fill up an interval. No indifference as to what may be done in the long waiting time. His going does not destroy or diminish the seriousness or care with which the interval is to be organized. How busy it all is to be. What! did we fancy that the haste and urgency of worldly business would conflict with the solemnity of watching for the Lord? Why, this kingdom of His is to be, during all the waiting time, like a house of business. It will be as a merchant house, in which everybody is bent on making all he can out of the money given him. He gives no picture of a Church ever on its knees at some silent shrine, praying for a far-off time. He foresees a body of men busy and intent, absorbed in the practical use of their gifts, bent on turning five talents into ten or two into four. (Canon Scott-Holland.)

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