Swear not.

I. Profane swearing is always the evidence of a depraved heart.

II. No man is believed any sooner in common conversation because he swears to a thing.

III. It is no mark of a gentleman to swear.

IV. Profaneness does no man any good. It is degrading, etc.

V. God will not hold the profane swearer guiltless. There is not in the universe more cause of amazement at God’s forbearance. (Dr. A. Barnes.)

I. It is mean to swear.

II. It is rude to swear.

III. Swearing is the sign of an empty head.

IV. Swearing is wicked. (J. N. Norton.)

In order to keep us at the greatest distance from all profanation of the sacred name, Christ warns us here to avoid oaths of every kind.

(1) Except in cases of necessity.

(2) How trifling soever they may seem to us.

(3) As implying an appeal to God contrary to the reverence we owe Him, and to that simplicity of speech which becomes those who fear Him.

II. Let the general probity of your character and known regard to the truth be such that your bare word may be credited. Whether it is or not, resolve to go no farther, for whatsoever is more than these, cometh of evil. (Thomas Admire.)

The lawfulness and obligation of oaths

I. This precept does not absolutely forbid all use of oaths. An oath is a solemn appeal to God, as a witness of the truth of what we declare, and of our sincerity in what we promise. Oaths are assertory and promissory.

1. It is not uncommon for Scripture to use general expressions, which are to be understood in a qualified sense.

2. From the reasons of the charge and other passages of Scripture. Oaths are necessary in civil society: they are of Divine institution; St. Paul used them; God swears by Himself.

II. Christ condemns-

1. Perjury.

2. Customary swearing in common conversation.

3. As we may not use the Divine name wantonly so neither may we swear by any of God’s creatures.

4. He forbids all rash imprecations.

5. All scoffing at religion, contempt of the writings of God, and all sporting with Scripture. Profane language is a sure evidence of a bad disposition of mind. It tends to produce greater hardness and to extinguish all reverence: it is most pernicious in its consequences:it is unreasonable yet infectious; it heaps guilt upon the soul. (J. Lathrop, D. D.)

I. The Christian Jaw in regard to oaths (Leviticus 19:12; Numbers 30:2).

II. The Christian law of retaliation.

III. Practical lessons. The sin of perjury is said to be growing appallingly frequent. Whilst technical vows are no longer in harmony with the liberty of the new dispensation, still the spirit of the vow by which one dedicates himself to Divine service is as sacred and as useful as ever. Avoid using expressions that are in the nature of an oath without having its technical form. Outright profanity is a terrible sin, as useless as it is hardening. What a confession of man’s proneness to lie, is his habitual appeal to God as a witness of the truth! The law of retaliating love laid down by Christ shows Him to be the one and supreme Teacher. (J. S. Doolittle, D. D.)


1. Language should be the simple expression of the heart.

2. Christianity seeks to simplify human communications.

3. Exaggerated expressions lead to an untrue life.

4. Christ’s law of speech will regulate our social intercourse. (W. W. Whythe.)

Profane Swearing

This sin is awfully prevalent.

I. The excuses usually made for it. Ignorance, custom, example, surprise, passion, confirmation of what is said, meaning no harm, inconsistencies of professors, etc. (2 Samuel 12:14; Ezekiel 36:20; Romans 2:24; 2 Peter 2:2).

II. The evil consequences of it. Destroys the little remains of the fear of God. Leads to the disobedience of all His commands. Such a horrid example to others, especially to the young, etc.

III. The powerful arguments against it. God hears. He is holy and jealous. Before His bar the swearer must appear. He is able to punish, and declares He will (2 Kings 19:22; 2 Kings 19:28; Isaiah 37:23; Isaiah 37:36; Isaiah 37:38; Ezekiel 20:27; Ezekiel 20:33; Ezekiel 35:12). (A. Tucker.)

The Sin of Swearing

I. Explain the sin in question.

1. One branch of this sin is cursing and swearing.

2. Another branch is the familiar introduction of oaths into common conversation.

3. A mingling religious language in our common discourse without any corresponding feelings in our heart.

II. Its aggravated guilt.

1. It is a gratuitous sin.

2. It is a wilful sin.

3. It is a presumptuous sin.

III. The awful state of those who practise this sin.

1. Awful because God has denounced His vengeance against them.

2. It is a state of fitness for destruction.

3. It is a sure sign of an unregenerate condition. (E. Cooper.)

Profane exclamations

Charlie Harold, speaking to his grandmother about something he did not like, exclaimed, “By thunder I … Hush I “ said the old lady, “you must not swear, my dear. Don’t you know that Jesus said, ‘Swear not at all! …. Did:He? Well, I didn’t know it was swearing to say ‘By thunder,’ or ‘By golly.’ Is it, grandma? … All such expressions, my dear, in which ‘ by’ is used, partake of the nature of swearing, and a boy who wishes to be good will never let them fall from his lips.” Charlie sat silent for several minutes, in grave thought, and then said, “‘Grandma, what makes the newspaper swear every morning? … Does it,” inquired the old lady, looking over the top of her spectacles with curious eyes. “Yes, it says, ‘By telegraph.’” The old lady could not help laughing, but she explained to Charlie the difference between an exclamation such as “ By thunder,” used to give emphasis to a remark, and an incomplete sentence such as “By telegraph.” The little boy determined that he would not offend in this way again, and I have told you the story, hoping that you may make the same wise rule. (J. N. Norton.)

Keep from Swearing

A lad in Boston, rather small for his years, worked in an office as errand boy for four gentlemen who did business there. One day the gentlemen were teasing him a little about being so small, and said to him: “You never will amount to much, you never can do much business, you are too small.” The little fellow looked at them. “Well,” said he, “as small as I am, I can do something which none of you four men can do.” “Ah, what is that?” said they. “I don’t know as I ought to tell you,” he replied. But they were anxious to know, and urged him to tell what he could do that none of them were able to do. “I can keep from swearing!” said the little fellow. There were some blushes on four manly faces, and there seemed to be very little anxiety for further information on the point.

Swear in the Gaelic tongue

A lady travelling from Edinburgh to Glasgow was much annoyed by a young officer’s conversation in the carriage being interspersed with oaths. She sat uneasy till she could no longer keep silence. “Sir,” she said to the officer, “can you talk in the Gaelic tongue?” To this he replied in the affirmative, seemingly with great pleasure, expecting to have some conversation with the lady in that dialect. She then politely requested that if he wished to swear any more, it might be in that language, as the practice of swearing was very offensive to herself and the rest of the company. The officer was confounded at this reproof, and no more oaths were heard from him during the remainder of the journey.

The tongue and the temper

1. The language of irreverence.

2. The language of retaliation.

3. The language of revenge. (Sermons by Monday Club.)

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