The Biblical Illustrator
Matthew 6:28
Consider the lilies.
I. God puts on the lilies and tulips such gorgeous apparel for one day’s wearing, spun by providence, as far surpasseth the tracery of the most splendid court, that Solomon himself, with all his wisdom and magnificence, could not match them.
II. These are but inconsiderable creatures in comparison with men, and such as God has infinitely less obligations to take care of than He has for us, who are by adoption through His Son so nearly related to Him, that He is our heavenly Father.
III. Therefore be sure He will not fail in looking after us, who are creatures of so much greater excellence in ourselves, and of so much nearer relation to Himself; insomuch that he who distrusts God in these outward things, shows want of faith, by not depending upon God according to the dignity of His nature, as well as to the obligations of His grace. (Adam Littleton, D. D.)
Consider the lilies
I. The objects to which he directs us for the lesson he would teach.
II. The lesson itself. God takes care of the lilies; the inference
(1) From the less to the greater;
(2) From the gift to the recipient. Shall God follow the gift with so much interest and be unmindful of him for whom it is intended;
(3) From the ornamental to the needful.
III. The rebuke to unbelief and call for faith. (C. M. Merry.)
Consider the lilies
1. For the sake of their tender associations. The life of flowers has all the vicissitudes of human life.
2. Consider their growth.
3. Their beauty.
4. Their unselfishness.
5. Their death. (W. E. Shalders, B. A.)
Christ and the lilies
1. Lily-life and growth teach us freedom from care.
2. The lily grows everywhere, the Oriental lily.
3. The special utility of the lily.
4. A word on this question of raiment. Life first, then clothing. (A. J. Griffiths.)
The lilies’ witness
or, God will take care of you.
I. So, then, there is a gospel in nature. Under pretence of exalting what God has said in His Word we must not depreciate what He has done in His works. There is a gospel in nature, not the gospel. Christ comes as the interpreter of nature’s gospel. This gospel of nature is especially for the poor.
II. This gospel must be mused on. Nature’s text must be studied-“consider.” Multitudes are blind and deaf, not through misfortune, but from disposition. Nature’s gospel has no vision for those who consider not.
III. This gospel is very convincing and consolatory as explained by jesus christ.
1. God takes care of the lilies and the grass. They do not grow by chance.
2. From these specimens of nature Jesus preaches the good news of faith in providence. Men are better than birds, and more useful. (J. Stoughton, D. D.)
Lessons from the lilies
The lily as an emblem of our blessed Lord (Song of Solomon 2:1).
1. Purity.
2. Admiration at the amazing power of God.
3. The unceasing watchfulness the Almighty One extends over all His works.
4. Humility. It delights in the valleys.
5. Contentment. Other flowers may boast that they grow in more conspicuous places, that their colours are more gay; but the lily is content to be as God made it.
6. Beauty.
7. A reminder of immortality. (J. Norton.)
The preaching of nature
1. The first lesson which these silent preachers would have us learn is the unfailing care of God for His creatures.
2. They indicate a resurrection.
3. The flowers teach us a lesson of usefulness.
4. The flowers teach us to be a comfort to our neighbours. (Wilmot Buxton.)
The good life a ministry to the barren life
In the highest part of the Peak of Teneriffe, far above the clouds, and in dry and burning waste, there grows a plant which, in the spring time, fills the air with delicious fragrance. There are some of us who may be condemned to live in a barren and dry land of hard work and lonely trouble. But loving natures and gentle words can make that desert blossom as the rose. (Wilmot Buxton.)
Consider the lilies
Contentment without distrust.
I. They are clothed with beauty (1 Peter 3:3).
II. They grow without anxiety. They never fret because of the heat, drought, rain, or cold. They pass through changes; are of different growth.
III. They are watched, although soon to pall. (Canon Titcomb, M. A.)
True contentment found in God
If the sun of God’s countenance shine upon me I may well be content to be wet with some rain of affliction. (Bishop Hall.)
Lessons from the lily
I. It has its root hidden. Secret trust, etc. No pure white lily could live without the hidden root to draw up moisture from the soil.
II. Consider how pure and sweet the lily is, and how innocent. Everybody loves them. What a picture of the Child Jesus!
III. Consider the lilies as A lesson about dress. This the special lesson of text. He clothes the lilies in white. Some children always fretting about dress. Vain about dress. Sinfully careless about dress,
IV. Consider the lily in the evening. When sun sets, close up. Don’t stare at darkness, hang the head and sleep. Children should do the same.
V. Even lilies must die. (C. R. Wynne, M. A.)
The lilies of the field
We learn from the lilies something con-cerning-
I. Our father’s power. Our heavenly Father is almighty. Variety in colour, size, and form of the lily, an indication of God’s power. God’s resources are so boundless. This power will punish or save us.
II. Our father’s care. Describe the beauty and delicacy of all the parts, etc. Note concerning lilies. They are comparatively insignificant. They are perishing. They often grow amongst thorns, yet are cared for.
III. Our faith. Our weakness and liability to sickness and death. Lilies not more frail than our lives.
IV. Our future life. When stem and flower wither, root does not die, etc.
V. Jesus Christ. He is called the “Lily of the valley.” There are spots and flaws in the character of all others, none in His. (W. H. Booth.)
Lily lessons
I. A lesson of wonder and delight in contemplating the works of God. They are God’s workmanship.
II. Admire and love what is beautiful. Some people take no account of beauty; they want only the useful. The beauty of heaven, the beauty of holiness.
III. Diligence.
IV. Patience and punctuality. Every blossom has its season.
V. Tolerance. Lilies and roses and oaks all grow in obedience to same laws; but each after its own pattern.
VI. A lesson of faith. (E. R. Conder, D. D.)
God’s workmanship combines regality and beauty
One of the most noticeable things concerning the beauty of God’s works is this-that it is never stuck on as mere outside show, but grows out of their nature. Men often make a thing ugly first, and then cover it up with paint, or plaster, or gilding, to make it beautiful. God never does so. You will find no sham ornaments on His works. The shape He gives to each creature is just that which is fitted for it; and the colour with which He adorns it will never wash off. In His great workshop, truth and beauty go together. (E. R. Conder, D. D.)