He and his daughters.

Worthy women

We know not how these ladles wrought; probably it was not in a way of manual labour, but rather by words of kindness and acts of consideration towards the builders. We need not tarry to show how worthily the women of England fulfil their mission in the sweet offices of charity. Some of them make the noblest sacrifices from love to their Redeemer. A poor woman sought admission to one of our great missionary meetings in Exeter Hall. The young man who acted as porter demanded her ticket. “I have none,” was the reply; “I cannot afford to subscribe.” “You cannot enter without a ticket,” was the curt rejoinder. “I think, sir,” said the widow, “that I have given more than ever you have to the society; I have given an only son, and he is now labouring for your society in India.” The widow was cheerfully admitted on this statement. (J. M. Randall.)

Family zeal

I. Notable women.

1. Within the circle of Biblical story.

2. In history.

II. Woman’s influence.

1. For evil. Jezebel; Solomon’s wives; devotees of fashion, etc.

2. For good. (Homiletic Commentary.)

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