Remember the Lord, which is great.

The power of memory


I. The power of memory.

II. The application of the text to ourselves.

1. Parents should remember that God regards them as stewards, to whom are committed the care, the instruction, and the discipline of their offspring.

2. Children should remember that forgetfulness of the claims of home, of a father, of a mother, is a forgetfulness of God.

3. Employers should “remember the Lord” in the example which He furnishes of gentleness, patience, kindness, forbearance, and deep humility.

4. Servants should “remember the Lord,” that He “took upon Him the form of a servant.” Conclusion: Remember the promises He has made, the deliverances He has wrought, the blessings He has conferred, the invitations He has given, and the relations He now fills. Remember Him--in calamity to trust Him, in prosperity to praise Him, in danger to call upon Him, in difficulty to expect His interference. Remember Him, for it is your duty, it is your privilege. Remember Him, for He never forgets you. (W. Horwood.)

God is on the field

Always believe that God is on your side. “He is on the field when most invisible.” In one of the great continental cities the regalia are not kept behind iron bars as in the Tower of London, but lie upon an open table. It might appear an easy thing for some thief to snatch a diamond or a jewel from the glittering array, and yet no man dare put out his band to take one, for that table is charged with electricity, and woe to the person who touches it. The protection is complete; you cannot see it, but there it is. Only live in daily--hourly communion with Christ. Don’t break the spiritual connection, and you are as safe from Satan and sin as the jewels from the devices of the thief. Greater is He that is for us than all enemies that can be against us. (E. Abbott.)

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