So we laboured in the work.


The builders not only began well, but they persevered to the end of their work. Perseverance is s great element of success. It was George Stephenson’s motto, “Persevere”; and the celebrated mathematician, Arago, tells us that his master in mathematics gave a word of advice which he found in the binding of one of his text-books. Puzzled and discouraged by the difficulties he met with in his early studies, he was almost ready to give up the pursuit. Some words which he found on the waste leaf used to stiffen the cover of his paper-bound text-book caught his eye, and interested him. It proved to be a short letter from D’Alembert to a young person disheartened, like himself, by the difficulties of mathematical study, and who had written to him for counsel. “Go on, go on, sir,” was the counsel which D’Alembert gave him. “The difficulties you meet will resolve themselves as you advance.” This maxim followed out made him one of the greatest astronomers of his day. And Christians must persevere in the work of God. (J. M. Randall.)


A Christian negro was once asked the meaning of perseverance, and he said, “Masse, me think it mean hang on, hold fast, and no let go.” And when some one questioned John Wesley on the remarkable success of his followers, “Sir,” he said, “they are all at it, and always at it.” (J. M. Randall.)

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