Think upon me, my God.

The saint’s support

I. The person petitioned.

1. General title: “God.”

2. Special relation: “My.”

II. The point prayed for. Lessons:

1. God the support of His saints.

2. Peculiar God to believer: “My.”

3. God hath remembrancers.

4. God is soonest drawn to His own.

5. Prayer proper for one’s own good.

6. Works may be pleaded before God.

7. Man’s works are the rule of God’s reward.

8. Everything well done shall be rewarded.

9. Good done to God’s people is most acceptable. (Wm. Gouge.)

The remembrance of good deeds a pillow of rest for a good man

I. Life’s review will be a review of the whole of life.

II. Life’s reward will be rendered according to its deeds. (Homiletic Commentary.).

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