He that troubleth his own house shall inherit the wind.

Family life

I. Peace should be the grand aim of all the members of the domestic circle. To trouble the house is an evil.

II. There Are some members who break the peace of their domestic circle. They are the ill-natured, impulsive, false, selfish.

III. Those who break the peace of their domestic circle are fools. Their folly is seen in this--

1. They get no good by it.

2. They get degradation by it. (D. Thomas, D.D.)

Troubling one’s own house

There are many ways in which this may be done. A man may, by the violence and irritability, the peevishness, fretfulness, and selfishness of his temper; he may by his avarice on the one hand, or by his reckless prodigality on the other--involving his family in starvation and suffering by opposite means; he may by intemperance, with all its horrid attendants; he may by sloth, and idleness, and indisposition to work, trouble his own house. “He shall inherit the wind.” The expression is a very strong one. Could any words more impressively convey the idea of loss, disappointment, and ultimate destitution and beggary? The result the man deserves. A man’s family is his first charge from heaven, and ought to be his chief and constant solicitude. The only evil to be lamented is that he brings the destitution upon them as well as himself. (R. Wardlaw.)

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