Hear counsel and receive instruction, that thou mayest be wise in thy latter end.

Instruction and counsel placed before the young

I. The advice given. These two things in the text will be found to imply all that is valuable in principle and all that is useful in practice. What is here meant is not the history of the world, the instructions of science, or the general field of literature; but the principles and instructions of religion. The Word of God discovers evidences of the fact that there must be such a being as God. It gives instruction concerning the government of God and concerning man. What is the distinction between counsel and instruction? Instruction consists in the communication of right principles; counsel in the advice by which you may apply these principles practically.

II. Look to the end to be obtained by receiving the instruction, and hearing the counsel. The benefit here stated--wisdom in the latter end--is a benefit of the greatest importance; it delivers you from the disgrace of sin, of growing up a foolish old man in the midst of so many opportunities of acquiring the blessings of instruction. (J. Burnet.)

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