A slothful man hideth his hand in his bosom.

A protest against laziness

Most critics substitute the word “dish” for “bosom” here: “A slothful man hideth his hand in his dish.” This certainly makes the description of the lazy man more graphic. His repast is provided for him; it is spread before him, but he is too lazy to take it: he drops his hand in the dish. This laziness may be seen in different departments of life.

I. In worldly concerns.

II. In intellectual matters. The “dish” of knowledge is laid before a lazy man; he has books, leisure, money, everything in fact to enable him to enrich his mind with knowledge, and train his faculties for distinguished work in the realm of science, but he is too lazy. His mind becomes enfeebled and diseased for the want of exercise. It may be seen--

III. In spiritual interests. Gospel provisions are laid before the lazy man. There are the “unsearchable riches of Christ”; but he is too indolent to make any exertion to participate in the heavenly blessings. (David Thomas, D. D.)

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