Walk in the way of good men.

The true way of walking

Here is the general application of the counsels of the chapter for the good that will come to those that avoid the society of evil men and women.

I. Men cannot walk in good ways unless they leave the bad ones. Because good and evil being contraries, the one will keep out the other: as cold keeps out heat, and heat cold. Evil thoughts keep out all thoughts of good.

II. It is not enough to avoid evil, we must actually do good. Because forsaking evil is but a foundation for a greater building, and no man can dwell on a foundation.

III. One chief and principal end of wisdom is well-doing. No blessing attends on mere knowing. A curse follows upon knowledge without practice.

IV. It is safer to imitate good men than bad. Because the way of good men is better, and their end is better. V good example sometimes prevails to draw others to piety. Because shame is taken away by good examples going before. And fear also is taken away. We should follow the choicest examples Of goodness. Why shouldest thou not rather follow the example of Abraham, Job, Joseph, David, than of Ishmael, Esau, and other profane persons? Sheep will not follow wolves, but they will follow one another. So do thou follow good men to heaven, rather than bad men to hell. (Francis Taylor.)

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