Transgressors shall be rooted out of it.

The present punishments of evil men

The metaphor “rooted out” is taken from a tree. If a wild tree and offensive grow in a garden, and the gardener cut off the top of it, if it send forth new sprouts, as bad as the former, he digs up the root itself. So doth God deal with wicked men. He takes them away, and if their posterity follow their courses, He proceeds to root out the whole name and family.

I. God will sometimes in this world put a difference between good men and bad. That men may see who God is, and learn what He is.

II. Wicked men are restless in evil. Because they have a body of sin in them, and abundance of opportunities around them; and are left by God to run on to perdition. So they are never weary of sinning.

III. Wicked men’s lives are often cut short by their wicked courses. Drunkenness breeds dropsies; gluttony breeds fevers; wantonness breeds foul diseases. Trouble of conscience sometimes makes men end their days. God’s just judgments fall on them.

IV. Transgressors deal treacherously with God. Because they fail in the trust committed to them; act against their trust; betray God’s honour; and labour to undo God’s Church.

V. Sin roots out the posterity of wicked men. Because sin goes by propagation, and also by imitation.

VI. If men will not for their own sakes forsake sin, they should do it for their children’s sakes. Much evil may come on our posterity from our sins: as hereditary diseases, poverty, losses, crosses. (Francis Taylor.).

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