It is better to dwell in the wilderness than with a contentious and an angry woman.

An angry woman

I. No social discomfort is to be compared to that of an ill-tempered wife. A corner of the housetop would be exposed to the rain and to the storm, both of which, in Eastern countries, are generally of a violent character. Neither is the wilderness a pleasant place of abode. But it is better to dwell in either of these places than with a brawling or even with an angry woman.

1. Because one might enjoy intervals of repose.

2. Because, whatever may be the discomforts of a housetop or wilderness dwelling, they may leave the soul at rest. They can but reach the body, and the mind may be so absolutely calm or absorbed in thought as to be almost unconscious of what is passing without.

II. External good-fortune is no proof against this domestic curse. The “wide house” or the “house of companionship” suggests a goodly mansion. (W. Harris.)

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