Cast out the scorner, and contention shall go out; yea, strife and reproach shall cease.

The scorner

The scorner is a character which Solomon has frequently called our attention to in preceding Chapter s. Few characters in society are more despicable in spirit or pernicious in influence.

I. As A social disturber. “Cast out the scorner, and contention shall cease.”

1. He is a disturber in the family.

2. He is a disturber in the Church.

3. He is a disturber in the nation.

II. As a social outcast. “Cast out the scorner.” Excommunication is his righteous doom. If he has gained great influence as a politician, governments sometimes, instead of casting him out, take him into office, and bribe him by voting him a princely income. The duty, however, of society towards the scorner is to expel him. He should be treated as a social pest. (Homilist.)

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