My son, let not them depart from thine eyes: keep sound wisdom and discretion.

Fidelity to principle

The advantages connected with fidelity to the ethics of godliness are here sketched.

I. Life. The principles of heavenly wisdom--

1. Originate spiritual life.

2. Nurture spiritual life.

II. Ornament. “Grace to thy neck.”

1. This gracefulness of soul is an ornamental. Becoming to all.

2. Within the reach of every man.

3. Admired by the highest intelligences.

4. Imperishable in its nature.

III. Safety. God is the guide and guardian of the faithful.

IV. Courage. It is one thing to be safe and another thing to feel safe. A feeling of safety may well make us courageous. (D. Thomas, D.D.)

Securing wisdom when we have it

We are not called to be mere idolaters of wisdom, but to keep it in the heart, with the distinct idea of reproducing it in an obedient and pure life. Wisdom rightly used is increased in amount and energy. It is not a mere decoration, a medal to be worn on the breast, or a badge to proclaim superiority of class; it is a life-generating force, living ever in the soul for its enlargement and establishment in goodness. (Joseph Parker, D.D.)

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