Verse Psalms 119:36. _NOT TO COVETOUSNESS._] Let me have no inordinate
love for gain of any kind, nor for any thing that may grieve thy
Spirit, or induce me to seek my happiness here _below_....
INCLINE MY HEART UNTO THY TESTIMONIES - Cause my heart to be inclined
to them, or to be disposed to keep them. This, too, is a recognition
of dependence, and a prayer for guidance.
Psalms 119
The Law Written on Their Hearts and the Praise of the Word
This is the longest and most perfect Psalm in the whole collection. It
is an alphabetical acrostic. It is composed of 22 section...
CXIX. PRAISE OF THE LAW. This is the longest and most artificial Ps.
in the whole collection. It is divided into twenty-two strophes, each
beginning with one of the twenty-two letters of the Heb. alph...
NOT TO COVETOUSNESS— That is, an immoderate desire of worldly goods....
Jehovah's Will in Relation to Human Character and Conduct, celebrated
in Twenty-two Alphabetical Stanzas, and by the aid of Eight
Comprehensive Synonyms.
Incline my heart unto thy testimonies, and not to covetousness.
to God and love to gain cannot dwell together in the same heart....
The longest Ps. and the best example of an alphabetical Ps. There are
in it twenty-two stanzas; each of the 8 vv. of each stanza commences
with the same Hebrew letter. The subject is practically the s...
Psalms 107:150
COVETOUSNESS. — Literally, _rapine, prey._ In Psalms 30:9 simply,
הַט ־לִ֭בִּי אֶל ־עֵדְוֹתֶ֗יךָ וְ
אַ֣ל אֶל
Psalms 119:1
IT is lost labour to seek for close continuity or progress in this
psalm. One thought pervades it-the surpassing excellence of the Law;
and the beauty and power of the psalm lie in the un...
Psalms 119:33
Twice over the psalmist says, “thy commandments which I have
loved,” and then proceeds to give the key to perfect love of them in
the words, “I will _meditate_ i...
Any dealing with this psalm must necessarily be general and not
particular. It has been called the psalm of the Law, not inaccurately;
but the term, "The Law," should be understood in its widest
Incline my heart unto thy testimonies, and not to (c) covetousness.
(c) By this, meaning all other vices, because covetousness is the root
of all evil....
How very beautiful is this portion of the psalm, considered as
descriptive of the work of the Holy Ghost. It is his blessed province,
and from his great love to the persons of Christ's people, he...
36._Incline my heart _In this verse he confesses the human heart to be
so far from yielding to the justice of God, that it is more inclined
to follow an opposite course. Were we naturally and spontane...
Psalms 119 is in general the law written in the heart. This gives it
an important place in the series of psalms. It is found distinctly
connected too with Israel's sorrows in the last days and their
INCLINE MY HEART UNTO THY TESTIMONIES,.... To read the word of God, to
hear it opened and explained, to observe and keep the things contained
in it; to which there is a disinclination in men naturally...
Incline my heart unto thy testimonies, and not to covetousness.
Ver. 36. _Incline my heart_] Through the exercises of thy word, and
the working of thy Spirit.
_ And not to covetousness_] Which drawet...
_Incline my heart_, &c. As the wisdom of man may conceive, and his
tongue utter, great things of God and holiness, while his heart is
averse from both; therefore David saith, not only, _Give me
_ He._ The Constancy of the Believer Upheld and Nourished by God's
Incline my heart unto Thy testimonies, bowing it down to a most
careful observance of them, AND NOT TO COVETOUSNESS, this being one of
the vices which draws the heart away from the understanding of th...
33-40 Teach me thy statutes, not the mere words, but the way of
applying them to myself. God, by his Spirit, gives a right
understanding. But the Spirit of revelation in the word will not
suffice, un...
UNTO THY TESTIMONIES; to the love and practice of them. NOT TO
COVETOUSNESS; not to the inordinate love and desire of riches: which
particular lust he mentions, partly, be cause this lust is most
Psalms 119:36 Incline H5186 (H8685) heart H3820 testimonies H5715
covetousness H1215
Incline - Psalms 51:10,...
Psalms 119:33. _Teach me, O Lord, the way of thy statutes;_
The psalmist is constantly talking about «the way.» We have that
expression in the 27 th verse, then in the 29 th, the 30 th, and the
32 nd...
We have here some of the jottings from David's pocket-book, the notes
of his experience as recorded in his diary. The whole Psalm is a great
casket full of golden rings. They all fit one into the othe...
By the help of God's Holy Spirit, this psalm may serve for the
purposes of self-examination, for we may ask ourselves as we read,
«Do I feel in that way? Are my prayers like those of this good man?
CONTENTS: The excellency and usefulness of the divine revelation set
forth and exhortation to all to make it their meditation and to be
governed by it.
CHARACTERS: God, Psalmist.
CONCLUSION: Great b...
That David was the author of this psalm, no one ever doubted. It is
divided into twenty two octo-distichs, having a letter of the Hebrew
alphabet at the head of each distich; and the couplets are most...
PSALM PSALM—NOTE ON PSALMS 119:1. This psalm celebrates the gift of
God’s law as the perfect guide for life. Its theme is echoed in
Psalms 19:1 and in such wisdom psa
PSALM—NOTE ON PSALMS 119:36 INCLINE MY HEART. As in v. Psalms 119:5,
the singer knows that God must supply the deepest motivation; see v....
1. Date and authorship. Some ascribe the authorship to “David,
before his accession to the kingdom, in exile and peril (Psalms 119:9;
Psalms 119:23; Psalms 119:46;...
This is an "alphabetic psalm" of a more stringent character than any
other. It consists of twenty-two stanzas, each of eight verses, every
verse in each stanza beginning with its own proper...
Now as we get to Psalms 119:1-176, it is an extremely difficult psalm
for exposition, because each section seems to be more or less
independent of in itself, and each verse, many times, almost
1 Kings 8:58; 1 Timothy 6:10; 1 Timothy 6:17; 1 Timothy 6:9; 2 Pete
Covetousness — He mentions this in particular, because it is most
opposite to God's testimonies, and does most commonly hinder men from
receiving his word, and from profiting by it: and because it is...