The Biblical Illustrator
Psalms 119:50
This is my comfort in my affliction: for Thy Word hath quickened me.
Comfort and quickening
I. In our affliction, the word of God quickens to comfort.
1. By leading us to God, who is able to bless.
2. By showing us that God is willing and waiting to bless.
3. By throwing a mild and beautiful light on Providence.
4. By spreading before us “ exceeding great and precious promises,” which adapt themselves with a fine flexibility to all the varieties of our experience.
5. By establishing in our hearts the anticipation of another and a sorrowless life.
II. In our affliction the word of God not only quickens to comfort, but also comforts to quicken. First the Word becomes life, and then comfort; and then, through the comfort, the Word becomes further and fuller life. How?
1. By confirming our faith.
2. By giving new scope and ardour to gratitude and love. The Divine Word helps us to see that the Divine chastening is the sign and manifestation of the Divine mercy.
3. By stimulating the spirit of prayer.
4. By spiritualizing our tastes and aspirations.
5. By restraining our tendencies to wander from God. (J. P. Barnett.)
What is your comfort?
In some respects the same event happens to us all: to good men, to great men, to well-instructed men, as well as to the wicked, the obscure, and the ignorant. Each of these can speak of “my affliction” (Proverbs 14:10). It is a grand matter when “my affliction” is in each case balanced by “my comfort.” It was so in David’s case, and he is a fair representative of all believers.
I. Believers have their peculiar comfort. Each tried child of God can say, “This is my comfort.”
1. “This,” as different from others. Worldly men get their drops of comfort from such sources as they prefer; but the godly man looks to his experience of the Word, and says, “This is my comfort” (Psalms 4:6).
2. “This,” as understanding what it is. He knew his consolation as well as he knew his tribulation. He was not like Hagar, who could not see the well which was so near her (Genesis 21:19). “This,” as having it near at hand. He does not say that, as if he pointed it out in the distance; but this, as grasping it.
4. “This,” as pleading in prayer that which he had enjoyed; urging upon the Lord the mercy already received.
II. That comfort comes from a peculiar source. “Thy Word hath quickened me.”
1. In part it is outward.
(1) The Word of God, full of promises, is our comfort (Romans 15:4).
(2) The Word of God, full of records of His goodness, is the confirmation of our confidence (Psalms 77:5).
(3) The Word of God, full of power, is our strength (Ecclesiastes 8:4).
2. In part it is inward: “Thy Word hath quickened me.”
(1) In past experience he had felt the power of the Word in raising him--Into life from death (Psalms 116:8). Into energy from lethargy (Song of Solomon 6:12). Into higher life from lower (Psalms 119:67).
(2) In all things it had been a source of quickening to him.
(3) In present experience he was then feeling its power in making his mind less worldly. His heart more prayerful. His spirit more tender. His faith more simple.
III. That comfort is valuable under peculiar trials.
1. Hope deferred. Quickening enables us to hope on.
2. Trial endured (verse 50). Comfort is most needed in trouble, and there is no comfort like quickening.
3. Scorn suffered (verse 51). We care nothing for mockers when we are lively in spiritual things.
4. Sin of others (verse 53). More grace will enable us to bear up under abounding sin.
5. Changes (verse 54). The Bible has a song for all seasons, and a psalm for all places.
6. Darkness (verse 55). There is no night-light like the Word, enlightening and enlivening the heart.
IV. That the form of our comfort is a test of character.
1. Some look to wealth: when their corn and their wine are increased, they say, “This is my comfort.” They mind the main chance: they are worldly (Luke 12:19).
2. Some seek to dreams and visions, omens and fancies, impressions and presentiments: they are superstitious.
3. Some run to sin, drink, gaming, worldly company, dissipation, opium: they are wicked.
4. Some resort to their fellow-men for advice and assistance: they are unwise, and will be disappointed (Jeremiah 17:5).
(1) What is your comfort?
(2) Has this blessed volume quickened you?
(3) If so, look to it under all trials, for it wilt never fail you. (C. H. Spurgeon.)
Spiritual quickening
I. Effected by the Divine word. How does God’s Word quicken the soul into supreme love? By presenting Him--
1. As the supremely Kind. This quickens it into gratitude.
2. As the supremely Beautiful. This quickens it into admiration.
3. As the supremely Great. This quickens it into adoration.
II. Supplying comfort under trial. The soul quickened into supreme love for God can bear up under all the trials of life. “Whom have I in heaven but Thee?” (Homilist.)
Quickening by the Word
What energy a text will breathe into a man l There is more in one Divine sentence than in huge folios of human composition. There are tinctures of which one drop is more powerful than large doses of the common dilutions. The Bible is the essence of truth; it is the mind of God, the wisdom of the Eternal. By every word of God men are made to live, and are kept in life. (C. H. Spurgeon.)