As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man, so are the children of the youth.

Children likened to arrows

1. An arrow is small, but powerful. One slew Ahab. Latent capacities of a child.

2. An arrow must be sharpened. A child must-be educated, its faculties developed. Note its natural sharpness.

3. An arrow travels far. Who can measure the influence of a child?

4. Its power depends upon the strength and judgment with which it is sent. A lesson to parents.

5. It is firmly imbedded, is the twig is bent, so it will grow.

6. Let us not send into the world poisoned arrows. (Homiletic Review.)

Children as arrows

Children, you may perceive here what is the duty which you owe your parents. You are to protect them in their old age, and be to them as arrows in the hands of the warrior. Protect them from the assaults of poverty, should they require your assistance in this respect. Poverty and old age are unsuitable companions: let it be your pleasure to alleviate this distressing yoke as far as you can. They did not leave you to the cold charity of strangers when you were more feeble than they now are. Why should you act differently towards them, and pay back your debt with an immense ingratitude? You are to protect them under all the infirmities of declining years. If you cannot bear with the fretfulness of disease, and with the deepening shadows of those to whom under God you owe your existence, and who toiled for you and watched over you when you could do neither for yourselves, what sympathy can be expected from others? (N. McMichael.).

Psalms 128:1

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