The Lord hath chosen Jacob unto Himself.

A strange yet gracious choice

This is a psalm of praise all through. It is to be sung to the highsounding cymbals. There is not a low note anywhere; it is all robust, exhilarating, joyful. It is “Hallelujah!” from beginning to end; and it did not seem possible to the psalmist that he could omit from it the high jubilant note of election; for if there is anything that makes believers’ hearts sing unto the Lord, it is the recollection that He has chosen them, and fixed His love upon them.

I. The choice.

1. Divine.

2. Sovereign--irrespective of character.

3. Most gracious.

4. Very wonderful.

When you have told me why He chose Jacob, I shall then try to find out why He chose me; and if I should find that out, probably you will at the same time discover why He chose you. God never acts unreasonably; yet He does not find His reasons for acting in men, but within Himself, in His compassion, in the eternal counsels of His own will.

II. The reason or result of God’s choice.

1. That we might know Him.

2. That we might keep His truth alive in the world.

3. To keep up His worship.

4. That He might commune with us.

III. The separation which grows out of this choice. He led Israel out into the wilderness that there He might speak to their hearts. He drew them away from men; He made them live solitary and alone, like eagles on the rock, that they might dwell there with Him, and have no strange god among them. Blessed are the people who enjoy this separation; but unhappy are the men and women who talk about election, and yet have never known the separation which stamps their election as being a matter of fact.

IV. Their elevation. “His peculiar treasure.” God’s people are everything to Him; there is nothing that you have, that you account rich or rare, that is anything to you in value in comparison with what God’s people are to Him. His delight is in them: the pleasure which God has in His people is truly wonderful. (C. H. Spurgeon.)

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