Therefore will I give thanks unto Thee among the heathen.

David’s deliverance and thanksgiving

I. Of David delivered. The wonder is, how so good a man, so gracious a prince, should have enemies and rebels; should fall into such dangers and afflictions; should need so many deliverances. But even in the best men there is something amiss. All saints are sinners, and sin will be punished in God’s children soonest of all. It is impossible for governors to escape the smart of popular murmurings, tumults, and rebellions; for Moses the meekest, David the best, and Solomon the wisest of kings did not. The best of kings may be under the Cross, and need deliverances.

II. Of God his deliverer. That all deliverance comes from the Lord needs no proof, from Scripture or reason. Philosophers, poets, historians all acknowledge this truth. The heathen everywhere ascribe all good successes to their gods. Among us there are some who will not allow God to govern in His own house, but deny Him any care of things below. As He only brings us into affliction, so He only can remove the afflictions. If we believe this most certain truth, that all deliverance is from the Lord, we must show the fruits of that faith when in distress.

III. Of David’s thankfulness for his deliverance. Here observe--

1. The person performing it. That is, David. “I will do it,” saith he.

2. The duty itself That is, thanksgiving. “I will give thanks.”

3. The manner how he will do it, and that is--

(1) publicly,

(2) cheerfully. Gratitude is not the business of a year, but of a whole life. (Gilbert Sheldon, D. D.)

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