Blessed be the Lord, because He hath heard.

A thanksgiving truly inspired

These verses throw light upon the religious experience of the psalmist, and from them we learn--

I. That his experience testified of answers to his prayer. There are two ways in which God answers prayer--

1. Sometimes by granting the thing sought. Thus the prayers of Elijah, Moses, Hezekiah, were often answered, and thus the prayers of His people, in all ages, have sometimes been answered.

2. Sometimes by endowing the suppliant with the spirit of resignation to the Divine will. This is the most general, and the most efficient way. Acquiescence in the Divine will is the highest strength and happiness of moral beings.

II. That his experience assured him of divine assistance.

1. Strength What is the highest strength? Moral strength, strength arising from an unbounded confidence in God; strength to brave perils with a fearless heart; strength to endure trials without repining; strength “to labour and to wait.”

2. Shield. Jehovah was his protector. No weapons can penetrate Omnipotence. He is the All-sufficient Guardian of His people; “under them are His everlasting arms.”

III. That his experience involved a conscious trust in Jehovah. “My heart trusted in Him.” This is something more than to believe in His existence, His government, His claims, His Word; it is to exercise unbounded confidence in Him, in His character and procedure, in both His ability and disposition to help us. Because David trusted in Him, he said, “I am helped.” There is no help for the soul without this trust in God.

IV. That his experience was identified with exultant gratitude. “Therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth.” True religion is happiness; happiness was the end of Christ’s interposition. “These things have I spoken unto you, that your joy might be full.” There is no genuine religion where there is no happiness. (Homilist.)

A glorious answer

1. Immediately given.

2. Gratefully received.

3. Rejoicingly acknowledged. (J. E. Scott.)

The fact of answered prayer demonstrated

That God hears prayer is abundantly proved in the experience of George Muller and his successor in the management of his great orphanages. He made vast plans, requiring an annual expenditure of £46,000. He never went into debt. He had not a penny of assured income. And yet his orphans never went hungry to bed. He reckoned some 30,000 direct and wonderful answers to prayers received on the very day of his asking. He never made a request of man, but he received in this way of private prayer more than £800,000 to carry on his vast undertakings. Mr. W. T. Stead considers George Muller’s life to be a triumphant scientific experiment regarding the power of prayer. (A. R. Wells.)

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