O continue Thy loving-kindness unto them that know Thee.

1. The true mark of a godly man standeth in the conjunction of faith in God with sincere study of obedience to him, for “he is the man that knoweth God, and is upright in heart.”

2. Albeit, what the believer hath found in God by experience, he may expect it shall be continued to him, both for his entertainment by God, and defence and deliverance in his righteous cause from his enemies; yet must he follow his confidence with prayer, “O continue Thy lovingkindness.”

3. As we have no right to any benefit, but in so far as we are of the number of upright-hearted believers, so should we seek every benefit we would have, as being of this number, and as seeking that others may be sharers with us, as David doth before.

4. It is the Lord only who can divert proud persecutors, that they hurt not His children, and it is the Lord only who can keep His children in the course of faith and obedience, when the wicked employ their power against them.

5. The ruin of the enemies of the godly is as certain as if it were already past; yea, faith may look upon it through the prospect of the Word of God, as if it were to be seen and pointed out to others to behold with their eyes. There are the workers of iniquity fallen.

6. The fall of the wicked is not like the fall of the godly, for though the godly fall sundry times, yet they recover their feet again; but a fall is prepared for the wicked, after which they shall not recover themselves, “They are cast down, and shall not be able to rise.” (D. Dickson.).

Psalms 37:1

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