Come and see the works of God.

The Eternal Ruler of the universe

I. As an object for human study. “Come and see the works of God.”

1. The highest study of man is God. All other studies, unless they lead up to Him, are worse than useless.

(1) The study of God is the most quickening. It stirs the profoundest fountains of sympathy, and sets all the wheels of the mental machine to work.

(2) It is the most humbling study. As the mind directs its attention to God, all egotism vanishes--the particular is lost in the universal, the temporary in the eternal.

(3) It is the most elevating study. That on which a man centres his mind has a mystic power to draw him to it, either up or down, according to its nature. The study of God alone has the power to draw man up into the higher grades of being.

2. The writer here directs attention to two things in relation to God.

(1) His special interpositions (Psalms 66:5).

(2) His transcendent rulership (Psalms 66:7).

II. As an object for human praise (Psalms 66:8). He suggests three reasons for praising God.

1. Preservation (Psalms 66:9).

2. Chastisement (Psalms 66:10). “Afflictions,” says Lord Bacon, “plough the heart and make it fit for Wisdom to sow her seed in, and for Grace to bring forth her increase.” Could we see things as they really are, we should often see greater reason for praising God in our afflictions rather than for our health and prosperity.

3. Success. “Thou broughtest us out into a wealthy place.” A place of refreshment. This was compensation for all the trials. What if our scorching and exhausting journey lead us to a delicious resting-place? What if our frail bark is beaten by the tempest to a golden shore? What if the loathsome medicine work off the disease, and establish health? In all such cases there should be praise for all the trials. (Homilist.)

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