Let the whole earth be filled with His glory; Amen, and Amen.

David’s dying prayer

There was a time when this prayer was unnecessary, for the whole earth was filled with His glory. And, in a sense, it is still unnecessary. For the whole earth is filled with God’s glory. “All Thy works praise Thee, O God.” But David intended this prayer in another sense. He longed that men who have revolted from God should all return to Him. But--

I. Let us explain the prayer. It is a large and massive one. It includes the whole earth. It seeks--

1. That in every country;

2. In every family.

3. In every individual heart, the true religion of God may be made known.

II. Let us stir up our hearts thus to pray. I would have you all, like the Crusaders, because “Deus vult,” rush forward to this great battle of the Lord. For--

1. Think of the Majesty of God.

2. His love on Calvary.

3. Of the needs of men, how great, how pressing.

III. Counsels in the pursuit of this object.

1. You must in your own life remove all hindrances to it.

2. You must forsake all sin. God will help you. Will not some volunteer in this service? (C. H. Spurgeon.)

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