He shall judge the poor of the people, He shall save the children of the needy, and shall break in pieces the oppressor.

On the education of the children of the poor

I. Look to the present situation of the children of the needy, and compassion will urge you to befriend them. Look especially to the moral disadvantages and trials to which it subjects them; and you will think it little to relieve their bodily wants, while you leave the mind and the soul in bondage.

II. Consider the destiny which awaits these children of the needy;--and the relief which before was prompted by compassion, will be felt as the dictate of imperious duty.

1. Let not the prosperous man despise the children of the needy. They in many ways minister towards the supply of his wants. Their labour furnishes the indulgence of his luxury. Their courage defends the interests of his country. They reside, perhaps, under his own roof. His property must be under their charge. His reputation must be in their keeping.

2. The children of the needy are destined for immortality. As surely as the lineaments of the human countenance are found in them, so surely may be found in them also the traces of a mind which thinks, not only for time but for eternity;--the traces of a soul which feels, not only for time but for eternity. (A. Brunton, D. D.)

God’s care for the poor

God represents Himself to us as having a peculiar and tender care of the poor. It is not the robust, but delicate, child of the family around whom a father’s and mother’s affections cluster thickest. The boy or girl whom feebleness of body or mind makes least fit to bear the world’s rough usage, and most dependent on others’ kindness, is like those tendrils that, winding themselves around the tree they spangle with flowers, bind it more closely in their embraces, and bury their pliant arms deep in its bark. And what a blessed and beautiful arrangement of Providence it is that they who cost most care and lie with greatest weight on parents’ arms and hearts are commonly most loved. (J. Guthrie, D. D.)

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