The heavens are Thine, the earth also is Thine.

The affluence of God

God owns the whole universe.

I. He holds His vast property by absolute right. He produced all.

II. He holds His vast property in perpetuity. All that men fictitiously call their property must pass from their hands. But God holds on His property untransferred and untransferable.

III. He holds His vast properly for benevolent ends. Men hold what they call their property generally for selfish ends, for their own aggrandizement and gratification. But God for the good of all His creatures

1. A lesson to human legislators. Their grand object should be to secure to the people, to the utmost of their power, the full use of the blessings of nature.

2. A lesson to all. Whatever we have is not ours but His. We hold it but in trust. (Homilist.)

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