In Thy name shall they rejoice all the day: and in Thy righteousness shall they be exalted.

The believer exalted in imputed righteousness

I. A few propositions anent this righteousness for clearing its nature and necessity.

II. A few properties of this righteousness in which believers are exalted, from whence its excellency will appear.

1. It is in every way perfect and spotless righteousness: and how can it be otherwise, seeing it is the righteousness of God?

2. It is a meritorious righteousness.

3. It is an incomparable righteousness (Philippians 3:8). Compare it with Adam’s righteousness in a state of innocence, or yet with the righteousness of the spotless angels, they are but like glowworms when compared with this sun: the one is but the righteousness of a creature, but here is the righteousness of God.

4. It is an everlasting righteousness (Daniel 9:24).

5. It is a soul-dignifying and exalting righteousness.

III. The believer’s exaltation by virtue of this righteousness.

1. What evils it exalts him above.

(1) It exalts him above the law as a covenant of works; yea, above both the commanding and the condemning power of that covenant.

(2) It exalts him above the world.

(3) It exalts him above the power and malice of Satan.

(4) It exalts him above death.

(5) It exalts him above all accusations, from whatever airt they may come (Romans 8:33).

2. What happiness or dignity the believer is exalted to by virtue of this righteousness.

(1) A state of peace and reconciliation with God (Romans 5:1).

(2) A state of sonship (Galatians 4:4).

(3) A state of fellowship and familiarity with God, and access to Him with holy confidence and boldness (Hebrews 10:19).

(4) A state of endless glory. (E. Erskine.)

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