For the Lord is great, and greatly to be praised.

God’s praise

The greatness or majesty of God is the prominent thing dwelt on in this psalm; but it may be dealt with in a larger and more comprehensive way.

I. The duty of praise. The psalmist calls upon us to sing. It honours God not only that we should speak to others about Him, and preach to others His truth, but that we should sing His praise, finding thus expression for our joyous and loving thoughts of Him who is worthy to receive glory and honour for ever and ever. Impress that joining in the songs and praises of the great congregation is still our way of honouring God. “Whoso offereth praise glorifieth Him.”

II. Where should we praise? (Psalms 96:6). “In His sanctuary.” The place of worship, the consecrated place, rich with the associations of years of worship. Show how strongly urged is the duty of joining in public services; and how important the duty of forming, in this respect, good early habits.

III. What should we praise? We may praise God for what He has done; in creation, providence, and grace; and for what He has done directly for us. The psalmist rises to a nobler height, and sets us the example of praising God for what He is, for the greatness, and majesty, and strength, and honour that belong to Him.

IV. Before whom should we praise.? Before those who do not know God, or who sadly neglect Him. Our praise is to be a witness to them; an example for them; and a persuasion of them. Our acts of worship and our godly habits are to say to them, “Come, let us worship and bow down, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker.”

V. Who should join us in praise? Note the poetic sentiment of verses11-13; all nature joins man in praise. But man should be the leader of the choir. (Robert Tuck, B.A.)

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