I have spread you abroad, etc


This is a call of Jehovah to the Jews in Babylonian captivity to return to their own land.

These words may illustrate the moral exile of humanity. The point suggested is, the reluctance of the exile to return. This reluctance is seen--

I. In the earnestness of the Divine appeal. “Return,” is the word. “Flee from the land of the north.” It is the land of corruption and tyranny.

II. In the potency of the Divine reasons. Reasons for return are--

1. The greatness of their separation.

2. The tender interest of God in them.

3. The opposition of the Almighty to their enemies.

Conclusion--Why should sinners he so reluctant to return to God? What made the Jews so reluctant to break away from Babylon? Was it indolence? Was it love of the world? Was it old association? Do not all these act now, to prevent sinners from coming out of moral Babylon? (Homilist.)

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