But them that are without God judgeth. Therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person.

Ver. 13. Therefore put away] Gr. εξαρειτε, Ye will put away, q.d. I hope ye will, though hitherto ye have not. Soft words and hard arguments do soonest prevail, especially when we reprove or admonish not in our own, but in God's words, as here the apostle doth out of Deuteronomy 13:1,5. Some warmth must be in a reproof, but it must not be scalding hot. Aegros, quos potus fortis non curavit, ad salutem pristinam aqua tepens revocavit, saith Gregory. They that could not be cured with strong potions, have been recovered with warm water. Gentle showers, and dews that distil leisurely, do comfort the earth, when dashing storms drown the seed.

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