For though there be that are called gods, whether in heaven or in earth, (as there be gods many, and lords many,)

Ver. 5. That are called gods] Hesiod reckons up 30,000 of them that were in his time, Τρις γαρ μυριοι εισιν επι χθονι πουλυβοτειρη αθανατοι. What an army may we think there were of them in later ages!

As there be gods many] The serpent's grammar first taught Deum pluraliter declinare, " Ye shall be as gods," Genesis 3:5, saith Damianus.

And lords many] Demi gods, heroes, whose images were worshipped. Ninus was the first that made an image for his father Belus, and all that came to see it were pardoned for all their offences; whence in time that image came to be worshipped. But they did a very ill office that first brought in images, saith Varro (as Calvin citeth his words), "for they increased error and took away fear." And Plutarch saith, It is sacrilege to worship by images.

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