We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death.

Ver. 14. We know that we have passed] Not we think, we hope, &c. If we would not have with the merchant an estate hanging upon ropes, fortunam rudentibus aptam, and depending upon uncertain winds, let us make sure work for our souls. This is a jewel that the cock on the dunghill meddles not with. Sensum electionis ad gloriam in hac vita nullum agnosco, saith Greevinchovius the Arminian, I know no such thing as assurance of heaven in this life. Papists allow us nothing beyond a conjectural confidence, unless by special revelation. Miserable comforters! They tell us that to taste though but with the tip of a rod (Jonathan-like) of this honey will hinder us in the chase of our lusts; but believe them not; for the joy of the Lord is our strength, Nehemiah 8:10 .

Because we love the brethren] This is to be seen in the natives of New England. The first appearance of grace in them is, their love and respect to those that are truly gracious.

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