He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.

Ver. 8. He that committeth sin] ποιων, that makes a trade of it, and can art it (as the word properly signifieth), not act it only.

Is of the devil] Bears his image, wears his livery; is as like him as if spit out of his mouth.

For the devil sinneth] Or is a sinning; he never ceaseth to sin, he commits the sin against the Holy Ghost every moment.

That he might destroy the works] The devil then hath his works in the very hearts of the elect, for whose cause Christ came into the world, that he might unravel the devil's work, break his head,Genesis 3:15. The Son of the woman, our Saviour (not the Virgin Mary, as Papists blasphemously affirm, illa conteret tibi caput) breaks the serpent's head, that first of the devil's works against mankind: trampled upon him and triumphed over him on the cross, and will tread him under our feet also shortly. But what a bold conceit is that of Josephus, that God, when he said "He shall bruise thy head," meant no more but this, Every son of Eve, whensoever he meeteth with a serpent, shall strike it upon the head, which containeth in it somewhat hurtful to mankind. (Antiq. Judaic, i. 2.)

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