Now there dwelt an old prophet in Bethel; and his sons came and told him all the works that the man of God had done that day in Bethel: the words which he had spoken unto the king, them they told also to their father.

Ver. 11. Now there dwelt an old prophet in Bethel.] A prophet of God, likely, but corrupt, resty, vicious. Prophecy doth not always presuppose sanctification. The Chaldee here calleth him Michal, the false prophet; Josephus, Rupertus, Cajetan, and others hold the same. See reasons to the contrary in Junius upon the text.

And his sons came and told him.] Had this old prophet been so good as he should, why dwelt he at Bethel? Why came he from Samaria to dwell there? 2Ki 23:18 and what make his sons at Jeroboam's idolatrous worship?

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