Wherefore also it is contained in the scripture, Behold, I lay in Sion a chief corner stone, elect, precious: and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded.

Ver. 6. Wherefore it is contained] The Jews were so well versed in Scripture, that in quoting of texts there was need to say no more to them than, It is written, It is contained, περιεχει, they could tell where to turn to the place presently; and this was a great furtherance to the conversion of many of them, by the preaching of the apostles. Many among us are better seen in Sir Philip than in St Peter: in Monsieur Balzack's letters than in St Paul's Epistles; like that bishop of Dunkelden in Scotland, they know little or nothing either of the Old or New Testament; and therefore one may preach riff raff, Popery, or any error unto them, and they know not how to disprove it.

Shall not be confounded] The Hebrew text hath it, "shall not make haste," Isaiah 28:16. Haste makes waste, as we say, and often brings confusion. Children pull apples before they are ripe, and have worms bred of them.

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