But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:

Ver. 9. But ye are a chosen generation] A picked people, the dearly beloved of God's soul; such as he first chose for his love, and then loves for his choice.

A royal priesthood] Or as Moses hath it,Exodus 19:6, a kingdom of priests. Priests God's people are in respect of God, kings in respect of men. The righteous are kings: "many righteous men have desired," &c., saith Matthew, Matthew 13:17; "many kings," saith Luke, Luke 10:24. Indeed they are somewhat obscure kings here, as was Melchizedek in the land of Canaan; but princes they are in all lands, Psalms 45:16, and more excellent than their neighbours, let them dwell where they will,Proverbs 12:26 .

A peculiar people] Gr. λαος εις περιποιησιν, a people of purchase: such as comprehend, as it were, all God's gettings, his whole stock that he makes any great reckoning of.

Show forth the praises] Gr. εξαγγειλητε, preach forth the virtues by our suitable practice. The picture of a dear friend should be hung up in a conspicuous place of the house; so should God's holy image and grace in our hearts.

" Vile latens virtus; quid enim submersa tenebris

Proderit? " (Claud.)

Jerome said that he did diligere Christum habitantem in Augustino, love Christ dwelling in Austin. So ought we to walk, that others may see and love Christ dwelling in us. He is totus desiderabilis, saith the spouse in the Canticles,Song of Solomon 5:16, all over desirable; and there is in him that which may well attract all hearts unto him.

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