For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit:

Ver. 18. That he might bring us] To reconcile and bring men again to God was the main end of Christ's coming and suffering. This is the wonderment of angels, torment of devils, &c.

The just for the unjust] Oh, the vile dulness of our hearts, that cannot be duly affected herewith! Behold, here was piety scourged for the impious man's sake, wisdom derided for the fool's sake, truth denied for the liar's sake, justice condemned for the unjust man's sake, mercy afflicted for the cruel man's sake; life dies for the dead man's sake. What a suffering was that, when the Just suffered for the unjust, with the unjust, upon unjust causes, under unjust judges, and by unjust punishments, &c. Euripides saith it is but righteous that they that do things not good should suffer things not pleasant; but what had that innocent "Lamb of God" done?

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