And her adversary also provoked her sore, for to make her fret, because the LORD had shut up her womb.

Ver. 6. And her adversary also provoked her sore.] Aemula eius: num ita vocantur uxores digamorum Lev 18:18 Peninnah, her corival, an insolent spiteful creature, vexatious, as the Hebrew word signifieth, and violent. a

For to make her fret.] Or, To make her to thunder, and cause a rattle in the house, by chiding and chafing. Peninnah provoked her on purpose, and for that purpose: this was an aggravation of her sin, as it is likewise of theirs that put a word out on purpose to enrage, vex, disgrace, or discountenance another. Piscator rendereth it, Propterea quid intonabat, because she, that is, Peninnah, thundered, that is, impetuously railed, and reproached her with her barrenness. This was to add affliction to the afflicted; which is greatest inhumanity.

a Angens.

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